
ThereasonfontsneedtobeinstalledonbothsystemsisthatwhenX-Win32disconnects,allfontsthatitwasservingaregoneaswell.,2018年10月7日—ThemethodofchangingitbygoingtoFonts/FontSettingsandthenclickingRestoredefaultfongsettingsdoesnotwork,itonlysitsthereand ...,WhenlaunchingStata,thefollowingerrormessageappears:Fontconfigerror:CannotloaddefaultconfigfileNofontsfound;thisprobablymeansthatthe ...,2020年7月1...

Aborting session with 'Could not open default font 'fixed”.

The reason fonts need to be installed on both systems is that when X-Win32 disconnects, all fonts that it was serving are gone as well.

Cannot Reset Default Font

2018年10月7日 — The method of changing it by going to Fonts/Font Settings and then clicking Restore default fong settings does not work, it only sits there and ...

FAQ: Fontconfig error

When launching Stata, the following error message appears: Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file No fonts found; this probably means that the ...

Font loading issue in Visual Studio 2019

2020年7月11日 — I solved it by installing the font for all the users, which can be achieved by simply left clicking the .ttf file and selecting the Install ...

Fontconfig error

2014年7月5日 — What can I do to fix this? running gedit, geany, chromium-browser, firefox, libreoffice... Basically any graphical program that uses fonts. EDIT ...

Fontconfig error

2021年4月17日 — The error I get is (Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file). I know it means that there are no fonts in my system but how to add them ...

Fontconfig error

2019年10月5日 — Hello! This is getting me a little closer to getting node-canvas running, however, I am running into Fontconfig error: Cannot load default ...

Fontconfig error

2022年11月25日 — Issue I want to use Open Sans font but when I try to do the registered my font it didnt register the font but this error appear: Fontconfig ...

How to prevent "default font" error when loading on Mac

2021年4月12日 — When opening my project (which I developed on Windows) on my Mac, I receive three consecutive warnings about the “Default Font”:.

X, Fatal server error

Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed' I wrote 'startx' and then got an error or something, checked the log file and the above text.

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具
